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Strategies and means of persuasion used to convince the Viewers

Strategies and means of Persuasion Used to Convince the Viewers

Jonas, Jan Jacob, Maxim, Paul

Britain Stronger in Europe (remain)

  • happy music in combination with lightful enviroment
  • the enviroment fits to each argument
    • “Everything is easy” → showing EasyJet → traveling is easy
  • only successful people
    • founders
    • professors
    • presidents
    • students
  • they say in the end: “make sure your voice is heard” → You are important
  • claim in the title

Vote Leave (leave)

  • dramatic music and video
  • sound effects
  • focus on money
    • comparison with different alternatives in which they could invest
  • visual elements
  • darker video in comparison to the first video
  • the state a lot of claims
  • clear opion in the title