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A Hostile Myth - Liam Fox

Analysing a Newspaper Article: Pre-reading


(to) entrench, myth, warped, hostile

Verankern, Mythos, verzerrt, feindselig

A Hostile Myth

The Myth of the British Identity Has Strongly Entrenched a Warped view to the Public

First paragraph

Liam Fox’s description of the British Empire as a leader of world trade has sparked a wave of nostalgia in modern Britain, yet the humanitarianism that accompanied that age has been largely forgotten.

Second paragraph

The British Empire was based on the idea that the people it controlled were not as good as them. However, they said they were doing it for humanitarian reasons. Winston Churchill was a leader in the empire and he bragged about killing people in Sudan, but he also helped create international rules to protect people. Britain is part of the Council of Europe, which was created by people from Britain who wanted to prevent wars. This might end soon, like Britain’s membership in the European Union.

Third paragraph

The Aurora Humanitarian Index revealed that attitudes towards humanitarianism are decreasing, as evidenced by responses from 6,500 people in 12 countries. This lack of trust, compassion, and leadership is particularly concerning in light of the current refugee crisis in North Africa and the Middle East.

What is Britishness?