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  1. Overall aim
  2. Structure of arguments
  3. Punitive or restorative justice?


Aufgabe 1

  1. Encouragement for Courage: The speaker wants to encourage people to be brave and courageous in addressing uncomfortable and challenging issues.

  2. Justice and Equality: Emphasizes the importance of justice and equality in society, urging people to confront poverty, inequality, and injustice.

  3. Human Dignity: Stresses the belief that every person deserves respect and dignity, regardless of their past actions or circumstances.

  4. Identity and Connection: Explores the power of identity in driving positive change, advocating for an identity rooted in love, justice, and a commitment to humanity.

  5. Inspiration for Action: A call to action, motivating individuals to contribute to a more just and compassionate world by addressing suffering and societal issues.

  6. Historical Reflection: Reflects on historical injustices, particularly related to race, and highlights the importance of learning from the past to build a better future.

Aufgabe 2

  1. Introduction:

    • Express gratitude and awe for the conference attendees.
    • Establish the speaker’s background in working with marginalized individuals in the legal system.
  2. The Power of Identity:

    • Advocate for the influence of identity in shaping actions and words.
    • Share personal experiences growing up with a grandmother who emphasized the importance of identity.
  3. Reflection on Changing America:

    • Discuss the radical changes in America over the last 40 years, particularly in the context of mass incarceration.
    • Highlight the role of fear and anger in shaping policies.
  4. Criminal Justice System Issues:

    • Address concerns about wealth sensitivity in the criminal justice system.
    • Expose disparities in the treatment of individuals based on economic status.
  5. Reflection on Death Penalty:

    • Challenge the ethics of the death penalty, focusing on the question of whether society deserves to kill.
    • Highlight the systemic errors in the death penalty system.
  6. Advocacy for Children’s Rights:

    • Share the speaker’s recent advocacy before the Supreme Court for ending life sentences for children.
    • Discuss the silence and disenfranchisement faced by individuals with criminal convictions.
  7. Historical Context and Burden:

    • Emphasize the historical context of racial violence, lynching, and Jim Crow laws.
    • Discuss the burden carried by individuals who faced discrimination and violence.
  8. Importance of Confronting Injustice:

    • Argue for the necessity of confronting suffering, poverty, and inequality.
    • Stress the obligation to learn from history and address systemic issues.
  9. Human Dignity and Opposite of Poverty:

    • Assert the belief that each person is more than their worst actions.
    • Propose that the opposite of poverty is justice, not wealth.
  10. Judgment Based on Treatment of the Poor:

    • Challenge the audience to be judged based on their treatment of the poor and marginalized.
    • Emphasize the importance of justice and compassion in shaping one’s identity.
  11. Personal Story and Mistakes:

    • Share a personal story about a motion filed in court with unintended consequences.
    • Acknowledge the exhaustion and challenges in advocating for justice.
  12. Conclusion:

    • Encourage the audience to be brave and address uncomfortable truths.
    • Conclude with a call to “keep your eyes on the prize and hold on.”h
