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  • racist ideology → justification
  • treatment as property / dehumanized
  • (trans-) Atlantic slave trade
  • colonies, legacy of slavery
  • crops: sugar cane, cotton, tobacco (labour intesive)
  • indentured servants
  • slave ←→ master
  • prisioniers of war → (to) enrich oneself
  • criminal sentence
  • slave raids
  • (to) be branded, (to) die of disease
  • cannibals
  • (to) abolish sth.

The Reality of Slavery

Frederick Douglass was born a slave in Tuckahoe, Maryland in 1817. Early on, his mother was traded to another plantation, so he only saw her a few times ever and only at night. He worked as a house servant, a field hand and a ship carpenter. When he was young, he lived at the Great Farm House. When he was twelve, his mistress taught him the alphabet but her husband has forbidden it. So he started trading bread for reading lessons from little white boys playing in the street. When he is sixteen