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Martin Luther King and Malcolm X fighting oppression

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X: Fighting Oppression; The March on Washington

Martin Luther King Jr

Dr. King: Nonviolence is the Most Powerful Weapon

| Which different ways there are in which an oppressed group can fight their oppression | 1. rise up in the open violence (self-defense, self-defense is a last resort and should not be the primary means of resistance) 2. organized non-violence resistance 3. resignation of acquiescence (Verzicht auf Zustimmung) | | --- | --- | | Whether violence is an appropriate form of resistance in cases of particularly strong oppression | Violence is appropriate if it is the only alternative to fear, but it isn’t the only alternative. According to Martin Luther King Jr., non-violence is the most appropriate and powerful form of resistance in cases of strong oppression. | | How non-violence relates to strength and weakness | King believed that nonviolence is a form of strength that is rooted in moral conviction, and that it is a powerful way to achieve change and overcome oppression without becoming oppressors themselves. The weak persons persons who don’t have the weapons of violence persons, are free. | | Whether there is a difference between non-violent resistance and passive resistance | If passive resistance means passively accepting violence or injustice (cowardice = Feigheit), then there is a difference because non-violent resistance means being passive physically but active spiritually. | | How non-violent resistance relates to the teachings of Christianity | Martin Luther King Jr. believed that non-violent resistance was closely aligned with the teachings of Christianity. He believed that the principles of love, forgiveness, and redemption that are central to Christianity could be applied to the civil rights movement to achieve change through non-violent means. | | Why Martin Luther King Jr. supports the intervention of armed police in Little Rock, Arkansas despite his doctrine of nonviolence | Martin Luther King Jr. believed in using nonviolent tactics to achieve civil rights for African Americans, but he also believed in using the laws and government institutions to achieve change. In the case of Little Rock, Arkansas, where nine African American students were trying to integrate a previously all-white high school, King supported the intervention of federal troops to protect the students’ right to attend the school. |


Malcolm X’s Approach to Fighting Oppression

Malcolm X’s approach to fighting oppression was based on a more militant, self-reliant, and separate-minded strategy, and he advocated for the use of whatever means necessary including violence and international pressure, to achieve civil rights for African Americans. He also believed that black people should separate themselves from white society and create their own independent institutions and communities. He also believed that it was necessary to unite all people of African descent and to create a sense of racial pride and solidarity.

The March on Washington

What Was the Goal of the March on Washington?

  • showing solidarity
  • fighting for jobs and freedom
  • civil rights and economic equality for African Americans

Who Participated?

1/4 million Americans of all races, ages and background

What Was the Mood among the Protesters?

  • everyone was very cheerful, singing and listening to music, very united
  • all of the groups were together in peace
  • it was hopeful
  • felt like history was being made

What Was the Mood throughout the Nation?

  • black and white people came together
  • came united to fight for black rights
  • everyone was hopeful, united and cheerful to fight in peace

What Was the Significance of the Location, the Lincoln Memorial?

President Lincoln was the one who abolished slavery, the first step for Black liberation. Therefore, the Civil Rights Act as the next step was being demanded in front of his memorial.

Which Impact Did Martin Luther King Have with His Speech “I Have a Dream”?

Less than a year after the protest and the speech, John F. Kennedy signed the Civil Rights Act into law, the whole country felt more united and hopeful in their fight for equality.