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AspectNotesEvidence from the text
Personal data: name, age, home, school, function in the novel…Katniss Everdeen, 16 years old, 12th district, protagonist, heroinel. 29, l. 26, l.2, first person narrator

she hunts to feed her family (l. 16)
→ comparison to birds (l. 5)
→ comparison Peeta with prey (l. 203)
Outward appearance: physical features, clothes, body languagesimple, ragged clothing, ordinary12th district is the poorest one and everything is always dirty (l. 239)
Family / social backgroundfather died in the mines when she was 11, mother is still grieving, has to take care of her and her little sister primrose, very poor, she hunts to not starvel. 216 f.

l. 337
Relationships with others: How a character interacts with others and is seen by thembest friend Gale: sees her as brave, enduring

Primisister: does not want her to volunteer for her

Peeta (once): pities her, shows compassion (gives her the bread), but avoids her

Peeta (at the reaping): encouraging, giving support
l. 19 (also her hunting buddy)

l. 152

l. 324 (he gave her bread even though he got beaten for it, he did not even know her)
Hobbies / interestshunting, Gale & Primisisterhinting: l. 16
Character traits:
Behaviour / actions: How a character acts (or does not act) gives the reader an impression of motivations, abilities or moral standing.

Feelings / thoughts / attitudes: e.g. modesty, courage, determination, responsibility, uncertainty
volunteers instead of her sister → caring, brave, selfless

last winner calls her „spunk” (someone who has courage)

responsibility for her sister, grateful, feels like she owes Peeta, scared, hopeless regarding the games
people close to her are really important → loyal, self sacrificing → l. 209
(her volunteering was the exception)

she had to take care of her family very early on (11 years)
→ responsible, hard working
→ 231

l. 174

line 120 → sacrificing herself for her sister’s

line 346: she owes him one but hates it because she is very independent → learnt the hard way that you have to fend for yourself

line 127, 165: only two winners from 12th district in 74 years

Written characterization

In Suzanne Collins’ novel “The Hunger Games”, the protagonist is Katniss Everdeen, a 16 year-old resident of the 12th district consists of very poor people. As the main character of the story, Katniss undergoes a transformative journey that highlights her resilience, selflessness, and determination. Katniss Everdeen stands out as a character due to her extraordinary courage, selflessness, and responsibility, as portrayed through her relationships, actions, and thoughts.

Katniss is the novel’s heroine. Through her first-person narrative perspective (l. 29), we gain insight into her life, where she takes on the role of the provider for her family by hunting (l. 16). This reflects her strong sense of responsibility and the hardships she endures. The death of her father in the mines at the age of 11 and her impoverished background contribute to Katniss’ self-reliance (l. 216). Her commitment to caring for her younger sister Prim strengthens her deep sense of familial responsibility (l. 337). Talking about relationships, her best friend Gale views her as brave and enduring (l. 19), while her sister Prim is against Katniss volunteering for her (l. 152). The contrasting reactions highlight Katniss’ complex relationships. Peeta helps her when she is in dire need by giving her some burned bread, but continues to avoid and ignore her in school afterwards. Later, at the reaping, he tries to comfort Katniss, emphasizing her ability to awake compassion (l. 324). Katniss’ talent for hunting, that she shares with Gale, showcases her versatility (l. 16) and becomes a symbol of her ability to navigate and survive the challenges in her life. Volunteering for the Hunger Games in place of her sister portrays Katniss as caring and selfless (l. 209). Her taking responsibility for her family from a young age has made her loyal and hardworking (l. 231). Although she is independent, Katniss acknowledges that she owes a debt to Peeta. This reflects her complex emotions and moral compass (l. 346).

Katniss has a wide emotional bandwidth, from fear and hopelessness about the games to gratitude and a sense of obligation towards Peeta (l. 127, 165, 346). Her actions and thoughts unveil her as a character shaped by the harsh realities of her world. In conclusion, Katniss Everdeen emerges as a character with a deep sense of courage, selflessness, and responsibility. Her interactions, actions, and thoughts collectively create a picture of a resilient young woman who navigates the challenges of the Hunger Games with unwavering determination. The detailed characterisation underscores Katniss as a central figure in the novel with her unique qualities and experiences.