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Addressee: Subject: Re: Help with a German newspaper article

Dear David,

I hope this email finds you well. I’ve read the newspaper article you shared about True Crimes and I am happy to help you! The article you provided is, as you may already know, written by Julia Lorenz and a subjective text/analysis about the “True Crime” genre and industry. She writes about the historical roots, a theory of why it attracts many people, and the potential of the genre for the future.

Coming straight to the point:


  • The historical roots
    • Since the invention of the book/paper press (likely in the 16th)
    • Different types of presentations, for example songs, books and stage plays
    • Roots
      • “Kaltblütig” by Truman Capote (1965)
      • Pop culture: Album music: Murder Ballads (1996), about Stagger Lee
    • Hype in the 2010s
      • Podcast “Serial” (2014)
      • Documentary series “Making a Murderer” (2015)
  • Why it attracts large audiences
    • Comfort in a society dealing with fear and pain
    • Offers insights into the minds of criminals
    • Some women find empowerment, trusting public and police support
    • Disparities highlighted by the “Missing White Woman Syndrome”
  • The potential of the genre
    • Report, criticize and enlighten problems in the society, justice system and power of the state
    • Creating interesting stories from boring topics like judgment/court reports
    • Examples
      • Podcast “Schwarz Rot Blut” (about racist motive)
      • The series “Jeffrey Dahmer” criticizes police/executive power

So the true crime genre isn’t anything new. Apparently, the genre has been around since the 16th century with the invention of the book press, presumably in Europe. This was later joined by stage plays, books, podcasts and songs. Important works are the novel “Kaltblütig” by Truman Capote (1965) and the album Murder Ballads (1996). Aside from that the peak of the genre was in the 2010s, which was characterized by the podcast “Serial” (2014) and the documentary series “Making a Murderer” (2015).

The fascination and interest in true crime come for different reasons. In a society dealing with a lot of fear and pain, people come together through these stories to find comfort. For women, especially those who really like true crime, it is not just about feeling for others. It is also about trying to understand why criminals do what they do. These stories can make some women feel stronger, especially if they think the public and police will help if something bad happens to them. However, this feeling of safety isn’t the same for everyone, as the “Missing White Woman Syndrome” shows.

There is a high potential for the true crime genre, because it fills the gap of boring judgment/court reports, by telling it in the form of a (still real) story and thus making it more interesting and exciting. In addition, the genre is a space for enlightening and criticizing problems in/of the society, the justice system and the power of the state. The Netflix series “Jeffrey Dahmer”, for example, criticizes the executive and the police.

I hope I could help you with your presentation and I wish you good luck with your presentation!

Best regards Jan Jacob
