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Dimensions of racism

Dimensions of Racism

(unconscious) Cultural Stereotypes

generalizations based primarily on membership of a cultural group without exception, usually refers to negative assumptions because it is unjust to individuals who vary from others in the same group or culture

Overt Expression of Racist Attitudes

an individual’s or group’s words or actions that are consciously and openly racist such as racial slurs

Microaggression (subtle racism)

a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group (such as a racial minority)

Racial Discrimination

practice of treating someone differently, or poorly, because of the color of their skin

Systemic Racism

policies and practices that exist throughout a whole society or organization, and that result in and support a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race

Implicit Racial Bias

can cause individuals to unknowingly act in discriminatory ways. This does not mean that the individual is overtly racist, but rather that their perceptions have been shaped by experiences and these perceptions potentially result in biased thoughts or actions


to treat or consider a person or a group of people as alien to oneself or one’s group (as because of different racial, sexual, or cultural characteristics)

Internalized Racism

In a society where racial prejudice thrives, it’s difficult for people of color to avoid absorbing the racist messages that constantly bombard them. Thus, people of color sometimes adopt a white supremacist mindset that results in self-hatred and hatred of their respective racial group

Institutional Racism

racial discrimination, inequality, exploitation, and domination in organizational or institutional contexts, such as the labor market, a specific company or school